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Current Promotions

Express Oil Service
Our 2 hour express service gets you in and out quickly so you can get back to business. Call for details.
$255 + Oil/Filters
*Offer Expires 12/31/23
*Does not include tax

Premium Oil Service
Our 4 hour premium service is a full Preventative Maintenance service. Your truck will be checked from top to bottom. Call for details.
$510 + Oil /Filters
*Offer Expires 12/31/23
*Does not include tax

Brake Job Special
Few things on a truck are as important as working brakes. Our special pricing covers 2 axles. Visit us today to keep trucking safely.
$450 per Tandem, plus parts
*Offer Expires 12/31/23
*Does not include tax

Clutch Replacement
Our experienced technicians have gotten clutch replacement down to a science, keeping us competitive, and you on the road.
$1275+ Parts
*Offer Expires 12/31/23
*Does not include tax
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